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- Cattell Zeka Testi
- Porteus Labirentleri Testi
- Binet – Terman Testi
- Stanford-Binet Zeka Testi
- KOHS Küpleri Zeka Ölçeği
- WISC-R (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised)
- WISC-III (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Third Edition) Testi
- WPPSI (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence)
- WAIS-III (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Third Edition)
- Kent EGY Testi
- Koppitz İnsan Çizimi Testi
- Chapuis Labirentler Testi
- The Quick Test (QT)
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- Benton Görsel Bellek Testi
- Burdon Dikkat Testi
- Bender Gestalt Görsel-Motor Algılama Testi
- D2 Dikkat Testi
- Rey Complex Figure Testi (RCFT)
- Memory for Design (MDF) Testi
- Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM)
- DCS – Visual Learning and Memory Testi
- Öktem Sözel Hafıza Testi
- Benton Facial Recognition Testi
- Frostig Gelişimsel Görsel Algı Testi
- GIST (Görsel-İşitsel-Hafıza) Testi
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Community centres or community centers are public locations where members of a community tend to gather for group activities, social support, public information, and other purposes. They may sometimes be open for the whole community or for a specialized group within the greater community. Examples of community centres for specific groups include: Christian community centres, Islamic community centres, Jewish community centres, youth clubs etc.